Phase 2 Water Conservation & Contingency
Penalties become effective JULY 22, 2022
1. Conditions exist in the water supply in the City of Olney requiring action by the City under its Water conservation Plan.
2. The City Council hereby declares that Phase II of the Water Conservation Plan shall be immediately implemented as follows:
The watering of lawns by any means and use of water for noncommercial washing of vehicles, windows, driveways, sidewalks or other outside uses of the city water shall be subject to the following conditions:
a) Residential, commercial and public entities having a street address ending with an odd number, or if such street address lies outside the city limits of the City of Olney and is south of State Highway 114, may water lawns on Saturday, Monday and Thursday.
b) Residential, commercial and public entities having a street address ending with an
even number, or if such street address lies outside the city limits of the City of
Olney and is North of State Highway 114, may water lawns on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
c) No watering on Wednesdays
d) No watering will be allowed from 9:00 A.M. until 6:00 P.M.; and
e) Use of water or irrigation of recreation facilities such as public parks, golf courses, baseball fields, football fields, and other similar type recreational areas and cemeteries is prohibited except on designated irrigation days for same days designated for a street address in (1) or (2) above. However, if such facility utilizes a water source other than that provided by the City of Olney, that facility shall not be subject to these regulations.
3. The City Secretary is hereby instructed to publish this resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at the next available time and that all penalties for violation of the Water Conservation Plan shall be effective Friday, July 22, 2022 upon
publication of this resolution.