Olney City Hall
201 E Main Street
Olney, TX 76374
Phone: (940) 276-2011
The City of Olney invites any interested and qualified firm or party to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) to perform the necessary assessment evaluation and refurbishment the City's Surface Water Treatment Plant (SWTP). The SOQ's must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, 12/16/2024.
All SOQ's shall be evaluated by a committee composed of City staff in order to score and rank the qualifications of each firm. During this evaluation process, the City may request additional information or clarifications from firms or to allow correction of errors or omissions. The City staff review committee may interview the top firms as rated by the committee.
The City of Olney reserves the sole right to review the SOQs submitted, waive any irregularities therein, and select or reject any and/or all firms that submitted SOQs, should it be determined to be in the best interest of the City of Olney.
CITY OF OLNEY WATER PLANT BACKGROUND: The original SWTP was constructed in 1928 and is still in operations. The SWTP includes the following processes:
The SWTP has the following flow rates:
PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF WORK: The following is a preliminary Scope of Work. The Scope will be finalized based on negotiations with the selected firm.
A. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION: Evaluate the current capacity and performance of the existing treatment plant infrastructure according to TCEQ criteria and best practices.
1. Site Visit, Data Collection and Review - Perform a site visit of the SWTP, and collect and review the following information provided by the City:
2. Evaluate the condition of all existing treatment processes and major equipment, and assess its suitability for either rehabilitation or replacement.
3. Provide a projected service life estimate of the rehabilitated treatment units, chemical storage, ancillary equipment, metering, pumping facilities and infrastructure.
4. Future Capacity Study/Master Planning - Determine when the rehabilitated SWTP will either no longer meet the current TCEQ requirements for safe drinking water or provide adequate capacity for the City. Prepare a Master Plan analysis and site layout describing the treatment processes that will meet future demand needs based on 2035 and 2055 (10 to 30-year projections). Discuss the phased construction possibilities for increasing plant's firm yield to meet the City's potable water demand. Discuss the existing SWTP treatment units and infrastructure that may not meet foreseeable TCEQ requirements and identify what future treatment process units will be needed. Identify capacity shortfalls and bottlenecks.
The SOQ submittal shall be concise, not exceeding 15 pages excluding the resumes. The City will require Five (5) Copies and one (1) Electronic Copy of the SOQs. The SOQ submittal shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
1. Cover Letter (1 page) - A cover letter on company letterhead is required. Within the cover letter, indicate name of the firm, primary contact person, including address, phone number and email address.
2. Firm's Description (1 page)- Describe the Firm's Mission and Vision Statements and general capabilities to perform the work. Explain firm philosophy, resources and general services provided by the firm. Discuss any current or pending litigation
3. Ability, Capacity & Skill of Design Team (2 pages)
4. Experience (4 pages)
5. Client/Regulatory Interaction (1 page)
6. Scope of Services (up to 5 pages)
7. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures (1 page)
8. Resumes (15 pages)
Firm General Description - 10
Past Experience - 20
Capacity to Preform - 10
Team Organization Chart - 10
Project Approach - 30
Schedule - 10
Resumes- 10
TOTAL 100%
A non-mandatory site visit will be provided of the Olney Surface Water Treatment Plant which is located at 203 Lake Cooper Road, Olney. Site visit will be held at 2:00 PM on 12/09/2024. A brief discussion of the scope of work will be provided followed by a plant tour.
INTERVIEW PROCESS (Short listed firms only)
All written submittals will be evaluated by a selection committee. The top firms may be invited to make oral presentations or be interviewed by the selection committee. A fee will be negotiated with the firm determined to be the most qualified and able to deliver the best services to the City.
Respondents may submit any questions concerning this RFQ in writing no later than 12/13/2024 by email to Simon Dwyer, City Administrator. Please do not contact any City of Olney elected officials or city staff during this RFQ process. All interested firms must submit five (5) copies of their Proposal no later than 4:00 p.m., on 12/16/2024 addressed to:
Simon Dwyer
City Administrator City of Olney
Submittals should be sealed in an envelope marked with "RFQ - 2020 Surface Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation" on the outside of the envelope. The submittal envelope must also have the Firm's name and complete return address on the outside of the envelope.
This contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, which includes EPA-approved fair share goals toward procurement of Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) businesses. EPA rules require that applicants and prime contractors make a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts, subcontracts, and procurements to M/WBEs through demonstration of the six affirmative steps. For more details of the DBE Program and the current, applicable fair share goals, please visit www.twdb.texas.gov/DBE.